First skin consultation for any skin problem is always free!*
Enjoy one of our top-class DMK treatments that have helped change the face of aesthetics and are currently changing the way physicians view skin revision the world over. We have medical doctors researching our protocol continually. Among the many contributors are: Sir Thomkin Smith, M.D., USA, medical professor Dr. Frank Abyholm, Norway, celebrity surgeon Dr. Lawrence Birnbaum, Beverly Hills, USA, Dr. Jurgen Esche, Germany, and Dr. Ahmed El Gaky, Riyadh Saudi Arabia, to name a few.
*We put the cost of your first skin consultation towards your first treatment.
Acne Control Ultra
DMK decided to create a whole new approach to home-use acne products. These new formulas are all paraben and sulfate free, and contain no benzoyl peroxide. These formulas utilize Salicylic Acid, found naturally in blueberries and blackberries, plus various other herbal extracts that address the main concern of acneic skin: bacterial infection, inflammation, cuticle build up, and sebum control. DMK ACU-SYSTEM may actually be the prescription free "miracle" you have been looking for.
Acne is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the sebaceous glands characterized by blackheads, whiteheads, macules, papules, pustules and cysts and often leads to scarring. The first chain of events that usually lead to acne, especially acne in the face, are in puberty when the body starts to produce testosterone, which then stimulates the sebaceous glands to produce excess sebum that is then trapped in the hair follicle. Dead cells are attached to this sticky substance and bacteria then forms, therefore the cells cannot exfoliate and a hard mass is then produced within in the skin. Acne is usually genetic, and peak acne years are in females 14-17, and in males 16-19. Over 40% of females will have acne during some part for their life and over 35% of males will be affected also.
With today’s lifestyle, stress levels and increased intake of medication, adult acne is certainly on the rise. Each client will have an individual treatment program worked out by their practitioner for their particular skin acne concerns. Each treatment prescribed will change from session to session as the skin is changing. All treatments will include a home prescription, which must be strictly adhered to, to obtain the best results possible.
For acne, blackhead and congested skin.
For people who suffer from numerous blackheads, acne, enlarged pores and congestion. Treatment requires 5-10 sessions to see the result.
Anti-bacterial and healing treatment. Flushes away toxins, reduces inflammation, kills bacteria. Treatment program to normalize cell functioning and sebaceous flow. Increases healing and maintains fluid level, helping to keep skin hydrated.
Treatment that helps to eliminate scars by removing the scarred tissue, and then repair and rebuild a stronger, firmer tissue underneath.
A great starter facial for young acneic skin with mild to severe acne and blackheads. Uplifts self-esteem.
Face Treatment
Newest Treatment
with Quick Peel $259.00
Dead cells freeze, fracture, and fall away when exposed to polylactic and glycolic acid in cold temperatures. This process removes the top layer of dead skin cells while protecting the healthy living cells beneath. The Cryo Pro-X treatment is suited for skin experiencing dermatitis, acne, rosacea, and other inflamed conditions. It is also ideal for hyperpigmentation and advanced sun damage.
European Deep Cleansing with Face Lift.
Non-surgical face-lift using a sophisticated group of enzyme, transepidermal proteins and amino acids. This treatment will lift and tighten your skin to an unbelievable firmness.
Cross Wrinkles, Fine Line, Dry Skin Therapy.
Designed for aging skin with visible wrinkles, deep fine lines, dehydrated and mature skin. Treatment that improves internal hydration, firmness and bounce of skin.
Facial Muscle-Banding Treatment
(For "Special Occasion")
This treatment lifts and tightens tired, sagging facial muscles. Loss of elasticity in the skin is only one of the factors leading to a fatigued and tired look. This exclusive Muscle-Banding Treatment goes one step further and firms up the underlying face, neck and even the female bust line.
Collagen, Hydrating Buster Treatment
Restores skin to optimal health. Provides supreme hydration, stimulates cell renewal and collagen production. It reveals a healthier, calmer, firm, more youthful skin.
Face and Neck and Decolette
Area Around Eyes
Eyes and Lips
Back Facial
A successful skin revision treatment program for pigmentation must utilize Inhibitors with an effective delivery system containing anti-inflammatory ingredients, antioxidants, amino acids, proteins, Vitamin C.Vitamin A. Retinoids.
The Danné melanoplex formulation utilizes several natural, yet potent inhibitors that inhibit melanin production while removing dark spots, pigmentation, freckles, and sun damage. Melanoplex restores pigmented skin to a more healthy light fresh complexion. Danné uses specialised programs for Asian, Indian, and darker skin tone.
Excellent treatment to treat dark pigmentation spots without bleaching the skin. Recommended for aging and sun damaged skin.
Designed to stop further pigmentation from taking place in the darker spotted areas. Progressively fades dark areas of the skin and improves appearance of tired, dull skin.
Unveil your beautiful complexion, Bihaku aids in revising pigment by moving it to the upper layers of the epidermis, contains melanin inhibitors and evens out skin tone and colour, hydrating and anti-ageing. This treatment is ideal for treating pigmentation issues, uneven skin tone and texture, and for combating dull, lack-lustre skin, dark circles around the eyes, trauma induced pigmentation (acne, scarring), thickened and rough skin.
Unique Treatments
Six Layer Peel
A superior resurfacing procedure, designed for those who want a dramatic result in a short period of time. This professionally applied formulation removes dead skin cells, redundant cuticle build up along with pigmentation and instigates collagen development. Treatments are medically considered to have an effect similar to laser or a medical peel without the risk of trauma, long convalescence or possible contra-indications.
The procedure takes fourteen days, using an exclusive blend of natural plant & fruit sugar acids, applied systematically in layers. The number of layers is adjusted for your specific desired result and needs. Strength of the formulation is adjusted and tailored to your skin colour, texture sensitivity and specific condition.
Medical opinion is that one to six of the Pro Alpha AHA and enzyme treatments per year, with 4-6 week intervals,
will give the same radical exfoliation effects of the conventional TCA/Phenol medical peels or laser vaporising - without the accompanying side effects, discomfort, long convalescence period and unnatural configuration of surface skin (controlled scar).
Price includes 3 visits (initial application, 2nd day follow-up treatment and lift off procedure)
Area Around the Lips $250
Area Around the Eyes $370
Face $800
Face and Neck $880
Neck and Decolette $880
Face, Neck, Decolette and Hands $1650.00
RP REvision
Remodeling procedure for severe hyper-pigmentation, acne scarring, enlarged pores,aging and sun damaged skin, skin cuticle build up (leather skin). Price includes 2 visits.
Face and Neck $750
Decollete $450
Back $450
Hand $350
Lower Leg $550
Alkaline Wash Hair Removal
The Danné Alkaline Wash system is a remarkable treatment designed to reduce fine, downy hair. This type of hair is very difficult to remove. The hair growth is usually dense and would take a long time to treat with electrolysis, and is also not suitable to be treated with IPL or Laser. The advantage of Alkaline Wash is that you can remove large areas of hair in one treatment with no discomfort as with other hair-removal systems. It also works well when combined with electrolysis and laser, which are suitable for the stronger hairs. After the first treatment, the hair will grow back at its normal rate, but as treatments progress the regrowth rate will become slower, usually resulting in a permanent loss over a period of time.
Soften callouses, corns, cracked heels or rough dry skin build-up on feet with DMK's MEDIPEDI™ Treatment. MEDIPEDI™can achieve excellent results in just one treatment leaving the roughest, most cracked and calloused feet smooth and soft. For severe cases, multiple treatments may be required.
Alkaline wash - corns, callouses, and very dry, flaky skin removal.
Lip Area $50 - or - $450 for 10 sessions
Lip and Chin $90 - or - $850 for 10 sessions
Full Face $150 - or - $1350 for 10 session
Feet (Includes Pedicure) $99 +
Manicure & Pedicure
Manicure $35
French Manicure $42
Pedicure $60
French Pedicure $75
Pedicure with Paraffin $80
Deluxe Mani & Paraffin $55
Deluxe Pedi & Paraffin $80
Hot Oil Manicure & Paraffin $60
Polish Change $15
(Natural Vegetable based colors)
Eyebrows $25
Eyelashes $35
Eyebrows & Eyelashes $50
Alkaline Hair Removal
Extended Bikini $50+
Half Leg $45
Full Leg $70
Full Leg & Bikini $85
Bikini $35
Brazilian $50+
Underarm $25
Eyebrows (wax, shape, trim) $22
Lip $20
Chin $20
Lip & Eyebrows $35
Lip, Eyebrows & Chin $45
Full Face $45
Arms $45
Chest $50
Stomach $50
Back $60+
Sideburns $25
Please also check out our packages and promotions at the link below for some great bundled deals!